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Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 1 - Politique Empty Volume 1 - Politique

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:09
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vestibulum dui venenatis nunc scelerisque facilisis. Nullam pulvinar enim vel urna tristique faucibus. Nullam eu mi commodo quam ullamcorper scelerisque sed ac erat. Nunc mollis vehicula odio, id rhoncus urna porttitor quis. Morbi vitae quam sagittis, posuere mauris ac, ultrices est. Pellentesque venenatis venenatis porttitor. Sed sit amet felis orci. Sed faucibus augue in finibus efficitur. Proin mi lorem, maximus imperdiet dignissim in, dapibus ac ipsum. Maecenas quis turpis vitae odio rutrum tempus. Integer et odio in massa consectetur sagittis in vitae leo. Sed suscipit eleifend mi a egestas. Vivamus posuere ex sed mi malesuada, eget convallis augue cursus. Suspendisse at tincidunt tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam finibus posuere rhoncus.

Donec vehicula efficitur tortor vel varius. Cras tellus est, pretium in malesuada quis, faucibus quis est. Maecenas tristique enim quis lorem aliquet, placerat finibus mi fermentum. Suspendisse quis sagittis purus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin tincidunt. Sed rutrum ipsum finibus, lobortis eros ut, aliquet ligula. Phasellus vestibulum varius urna eget consequat. Curabitur tempus in neque in rhoncus. In ut diam porta, dictum leo at, elementum massa. Donec elementum fringilla nulla, consequat sollicitudin quam posuere finibus. Aenean volutpat pretium cursus. Vestibulum lacinia luctus tortor, vel lobortis est laoreet fermentum. Cras blandit in erat vel sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec nunc aliquet, pellentesque turpis a, auctor metus. Praesent vitae convallis ex.
Messages : 71
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

Volume 1 - Politique Empty Re: Volume 1 - Politique

Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:16


    1/110.00 DISCERNEMENT

    • Le personnel dans toutes ses actions fait preuve d'un raisonnable discernement, notamment :
      • Lorsqu'il exécute les ordres qui lui ont été adressés.
      • Lorsqu'il prend des initiatives.

    • L'obligation de discernement prend aussi effet lorsque le personnel fait usage du matériel mis à sa disposition par la municipalité.
      • Il ne s'adonne jamais à l'abus ou à la prévarication.
      • Il signale toute perte ou détérioration du matériel ou des locaux et ce qu'il en soit ou non responsable.
      • Il utilise le matériel mis à sa disposition dans le seul cadre d'emploi auquel ils sont destinés, sans poursuivre d'intérêt personnel.
      • Il emploie les moyens limités avec parcimonie, laissant ceux qui en ont davantage besoin les employer à sa place.

    1/120.00 PROBITÉ

    • Les employés du département agissent avec droiture, bonne foi, honnêteté, intégrité, honneur et incorruptibilité. Ils observent ainsi strictement le respect des Lois et des règles morales.
      • Ils n’utilisent pas à des fins étrangères à leurs missions les informations dont ils ont connaissance dans le cadre de leurs fonctions.

    1/130.00 LOYAUTÉ

    • Les employés doivent faire montre de loyauté à l'égard des institutions politiques et judiciaires de l'État, de l'ensemble des institutions de la ville de Los Santos et respectent scrupuleusement les dispositions des lois de notre État.
      • Ils s'abstiennent de tout comportement, acte ou parole, y compris en dehors de leur service et peu importe le support, qui peuvent porter atteinte au crédit ou au renom du département de police ou de la ville.
      • Ils ne développent pas d'activité professionnelle secondaire lucrative, sauf à avoir obtenu une autorisation du chef de la police.
      • Tout litige porté devant une Cour de Justice sans tentative préalable de conciliation avec la Direction, engage la responsabilité disciplinaire de l'agent. Il s'agit d'une faute disciplinaire lourde.

    1/140.00 BONNE FOI

    • Le personnel adopte un comportement empreint de bonne foi et s'abstient de tout comportement malicieux.
      • Est malicieux le comportement qui est a priori innocent, mais qui révèle une intention de nuire au département, à d'autres employés ou une intention de contourner une norme, règle, procédure ou coutume du département.


    • Le personnel ne dispose pas du droit d'afficher ses convictions politiques en service.
      • Les discussions politiques avec le public ne sont pas autorisées.
      • Les discussions politiques entre le personnel audible par le public ne sont pas autorisées.


    • L'employé en service :
      • Ne doit pas consommer de boissons alcoolisées.
      • Ne doit pas être sous l'influence de boissons alcoolisées consommées avant la prise de service.
      • Ne doit pas consommer de tabac lorsqu'il est visible par le public.
      • Ne doit pas dormir ou somnoler. [size=85](( interdiction d'AFK prolongé en /pduty ))[/size]
      • Ne doit pas avoir de relations sexuelles.

    • Les employés qui entretiennent, entre eux, une relation sentimentale doivent prendre toutes les mesures utiles pour écarter un conflit d'intérêt.
      • Une relation entre agents doit être obligatoirement déclaré au groupe des affaires internes.
      • La relation doit être déclarée auprès des affaires internes si les employés sont dans la même division ou s'il y a existé entre eux un lien de subordination.
      • Les employés doivent se retirer de leur propre initiative de procédures qui concernent leur conjoint.

    • Les employés ne disposent pas du droit de grève.
      • Tous les mouvements sociaux perturbant le fonctionnement du travail (notamment les grèves du zèle, les grèves perlées, le ralentissement délibéré de l'activité, etc.) sont proscrits.

    1/190.00 RÉQUISITION
    • Les employés, en dehors de leur temps de service, peuvent être réquisitionnés par le Département pour les besoins du service. Ils sont tenus d'obéir aux ordres de réquisitions qui leur sont adressés.

    1/210.00 PORT DE L'UNIFORME

    • Le port de l'uniforme est obligatoire en service pour l'ensemble du personnel du département, sauf habilitation infra.
      • L'uniforme doit être entretenu, en bon état et propre dans n'importe quelles circonstances.
      • L'insigne du département ainsi que les décorations doivent être porté sur la poitrine gauche de la chemise d'uniforme.
      • La plaque d'identification doit être porté sur la poitrine droite de la chemise d'uniforme.
      • Il est proscrit pour l'ensemble des agents de dissimuler leurs faciès avec n'importe quel objet que ce soit.
      • Le ruban de deuil noir peut être porté par le personnel sur son insigne pendant les 14 jours suivant la mort d'un membre du département de police de Los Santos. (( CK ))
      • Il est possible d'arborer une ou plusieurs bandes de services au niveau de la manche gauche de son uniforme à raison de cinq années de service par bande.
        (( 3 mois d'ancienneté OOC par bande. Ce barème représente le maximum que vous pouvez jouer. En outre, vous devez en jouer moins si nécessaire pour être cohérents avec l’âge de votre personnage ))

    • Fait exception à l'obligation de revêtir l'uniforme.
      • Les employés titulaires de la fonction de personnel civil ou du grade d'administrateur de police.
      • Les employés titulaires du grade d'inspecteur de police.
      • Les employés titulaires du grade de capitaine et plus.
      • La division de l'entrainement peut faire porter des tenues civiles au cours des formations pour le besoin de l'enseignement.
      • Les employés membres de l'unité d'investigation du trafic sur autorisation exceptionnel de l'officier de commandement du bureau des opérations spéciales.
      • L'officier de commandement divisionnaire du groupe des affaires internes.
      • L'officier de commandement divisionnaire de la division des enquêteurs de secteurs.


    • Le personnel habiletés supra peut porter des tenues civiles en service.
      • Les agents habiletés au port de la tenue civile la portent avec discernement et revêtent tout de même l'uniforme lorsque cela est nécessaire ou pertinent.
      • La tenue civile choisie doit être décente, distinguée et conforme à l'image de marque du département de police, d'un ton « neutre » cette dernière ne doit pas être provocante ou dégradée. Cela exclue donc les leggings, shorts, pantacourts, jeans déchirés ou délavés, débardeurs et autres habits atteignant à l'image professionnelle du département.
      • Le personnel participant à une intervention en tenue civile doit obligatoirement être identifiables via le port d'un gilet sérigraphié du département.

(( Nous avons une interface simplifiée pour comprendre à quoi correspond chaque uniforme et comment le mettre, cliquez ici : https://pd.gta.world/viewtopic.php?f=309&t=11100 )) ))


    • L'uniforme de classe A est l'un des trois uniformes de patrouille "classique" du département, il peut être librement revêtu lors du service courant. Il est obligatoire pour les officiers probatoires. Il est aussi obligatoire pour les agents amenés à témoigner devant la cour ou à rencontrer un officier de direction suite à une convocation.
      • Chemise à manches longues avec cravate (( vestes → 446-0 - peau → 1 ))
      • Pantalon (( pantalons → 180-0 ))
      • Rangers magnum (( chaussures → 54-0 ))
      • Galon correspondant au grade (( objets (galon manche) → 154 ou (galon col) → 181 : choisissez la texture correspondant à votre galon IC ))
      • Badge (( hands → 111 : choisissez la texture correspondant à votre grade IC ))
      • Étui de l'arme de service (( accessoires → 174-0 ))
      • Ceinturon (( maillots → 208-0 ))
      • Caméra piéton (( armour (bodycam) → 78 ou 79 ))



    • L'uniforme de classe B est l'un des trois uniformes de patrouille "classique" du département, il peut être librement revêtu lors du service courant.
      • Chemise à manches longues sans cravate (( vestes → 445-0 - peau → 1 ))
      • Pantalon (( pantalons → 180-0 ))
      • Rangers magnum (( chaussures → 54-0 ))
      • Galon correspondant au grade (( objets (galon manche) → 154 ou (galon col) → 182 : choisissez la texture correspondant à votre galon IC ))
      • Badge (( hands → 111 : choisissez la texture correspondant à votre grade IC ))
      • Étui de l'arme de service (( accessoires → 174-0 ))
      • Ceinturon (( maillots → 208-0 ))
      • Caméra piéton (( armour (bodycam) → 78 ou 79 ))



    • L'uniforme de classe C est l'un des trois uniformes de patrouille "classique" du département, il peut être librement revêtu lors du service courant.
      • Chemise à manches courtes (( vestes → 444-0 - peau → 0 ))
      • Pantalon (( pantalons → 180-0 ))
      • Rangers magnum (( chaussures → 54-0 ))
      • Galon correspondant au grade (( objets (galon manche) → 153 ou (galon col) → 182 : choisissez la texture correspondant à votre galon IC ))
      • Badge (( hands → 111 : choisissez la texture correspondant à votre grade IC ))
      • Étui de l'arme de service (( accessoires → 174-0 ))
      • Ceinturon (( maillots → 208-0 ))
      • Caméra piéton (( armour (bodycam) → 78 ou 79 ))



    • L'uniforme de cérémonie est un uniforme d'apparat qui ne se porte que lors des réunions du département ou des enterrements.
      • Chemise à manches longues avec cravate (( vestes → 446-0 ))
      • Pantalon (( pantalons → 180-0 ))
      • Chaussures de costume (( chaussures → 10-0 ))
      • Képi (( chapeaux → 179-0 ))
      • Gants blanc (( peau → 75-0 ))
      • Galon correspondant au grade (( objets (galon manche) → 154 ou (galon col) → 181 : choisissez la texture correspondant à votre galon IC ))
      • Badge (( hands → 111 : choisissez la texture correspondant à votre grade IC ))
      • Étui de l'arme de service (( accessoires → 174-0 ))
      • Ceinturon (( maillots → 211-0 ))



    • Le département dispose de cinq écussons distincts pouvant être portés sur les épaules des chemises d'uniforme, sous certaines conditions.
      • L'écusson représentant un aigle n'est porté que par les membres de la division du support aérien.
      • L’écusson "SWAT" n'est porté que par les membres du peloton D de la division métropolitaine.
      • L'écusson "GANGS" n'est porté que par les membres de l'unité anti-gang de la division des patrouilles.
      • L'écusson "LOS SANTOS POLICE" avec une croix blanche n'est porté que par les membres de la division du trafic.
      • L’écusson "LOS SANTOS POLICE" sans croix blanche ne doit pas être utilisé par le personnel.


    • Le manteau d'uniforme et les autres accessoires vestimentaires comme les casquettes ou les lunettes de soleil peuvent être portés par les officiers de police avec discernement.

[list]1/290.00 CAMÉRA PIÉTON

  • Le personnel en uniforme et en patrouille a l'obligation de porter une caméra piéton.
    • Il est obligatoire pour le personnel d'activer sa caméra piéton lors des interactions avec le public.
    • À leur fin service, les agents doivent remettre (comme le reste de leur équipement non personnel) leur caméra piéton au sergent de garde à l'armurerie.
    • Le fait de malicieusement obstruer le visuel de la caméra, de la dégrader, la détruire, en modifier ses paramètres ou ses données est strictement proscrit.
    • Peuvent consulter les données enregistrées via les caméras piéton : le personnel des affaires internes ainsi que le personnel titulaire du grade de chef-adjoint ou d'un grade supérieur.

    1/300.00 APPARENCE

      1/310.00 PILOSITÉ FACIALE

      • Le port de la barbe est prohibé pour tout le personnel.
        • Le personnel masculin peut porter une moustache courte et soigneusement taillée de couleur naturelle, elle ne doit pas dépasser le bord supérieur de la lèvre ni s'étendre horizontalement à plus d'un pouce et quart au-delà des coins de la bouche.

      1/320.00 CHEVEUX
      • Le personnel doit avoir les cheveux soignés, propres, coupés correctement et bien entretenus afin de refléter une apparence professionnelle.
        • Les cheveux du personnel masculin doivent être légèrement effilés et ne doivent pas dépasser le haut de la chemise d'uniforme ni couvrir une partie de l'oreille, les cheveux longs leur sont prohibé.
        • Les cheveux du personnel féminin bien que pouvant être long doivent être constamment attachés de manière à ce qu'ils ne s'étendent pas sous le bord inférieur du col de la chemise.
        • Les teintures de cheveux sont interdites.

      1/330.00 MAQUILLAGE
      • Le personnel masculin peut porter un maquillage modérément appliqué pour masquer toute cicatrice ou marque distinctive sur la peau.
        • Le personnel féminin peut porter un maquillage modéré et du vernis à ongles en gardant à l'esprit une image cohérente et professionnelle. Cela signifie que le maquillage doit être discret et de couleur naturelle. Le stick à lèvres de couleur vive, le fard à joues ou le maquillage excessif des yeux ne sont pas autorisés.

      1/340.00 TATOUAGE
      • Les agents ne peuvent pas montrer leurs tatouages : s'ils en possèdent, ceux-ci doivent être dissimulés sous l'uniforme afin de ne pas être visibles.

      1/350.00 ACCESSOIRE
      • Seuls les montres et les bracelets sont autorisés au cours du service.
      • Le port d'accessoires ou de bijoux non-mentionnés.
      • Les employés féminins peuvent porter des boucles d'oreilles : celles-ci ne doivent pas s'étendre au-delà du lob d'oreille et doivent être discrets.

      • Si un membre du personnel nécessite de déroger à ses normes, notamment dans le cadre d'une investigation, une demande écrite doit être soumise à son officier commandant de bureau ou à défaut au bureau du chef de la police.

    Messages : 71
    Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

    Volume 1 - Politique Empty Re: Volume 1 - Politique

    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:17


      1/410.00 DÉFINITION

      • Les mesures prises en répression d'un comportement d'un agent sont considérées comme sanction disciplinaire, il s'agit des mesures codifiées au 1/440.00 et 1/450.00.
        • Sont fautifs les comportements qui contreviennent à la Loi, au manuel et procédures applicables, aux ordres et aux autres normes applicables.
        • Un blâme reçu bloque toute promotion (même via le passage de certifications) pour l'agent concerné durant une période de trente (30) jours dés la notification sur le dossier administratif de l'agent.
        • Un agent licencié de manière temporaire se voit interdire de reprendre son service et donc d'utiliser ou porter armes, tenues, insignes ou matériels du LSPD, de fréquenter les locaux du département sauf invitation du bureau du chef ou des affaires internes et de faire usage de ses prérogatives de policier.

      1/420.00 AFFAIRES INTERNES

      • Les affaires internes du Département ainsi que les agents titulaires du grade de chef-adjoint et supérieur ont seule autorité pour enquêter sur les faits relevant de fautes disciplinaires, administrative ou de violations de la Loi par des agents du Département.
        • Ses agents peuvent, pour les nécessités de leur enquête, ordonner toute mesure utile. Le personnel visé se soumet à ses investigations. Peuvent notamment être ordonnés : des dépistages de l'alcoolémie, de la consommation de stupéfiants ou encore des auditions.
        • Tout membre du personnel auditionné dispose, comme tout citoyen, du droit à être assisté d'un avocat et du droit à maintenir le silence.
        • Les agents des affaires internes ne prononcent pas de sanction par eux-mêmes, ils rédigent toutefois des recommandations quant aux dossiers dont ils sont saisis.
        • Les affaires internes surveillent et contrôlent d'initiative l'activité du Département, en procédant même en dehors de toute enquête à des vérifications, des surveillances, des contrôles de connaissance, des mises en situation (y compris à l'insu du personnel testé), des dépistages et toutes autres mesures utiles.
        • Le visionnage des vidéos (dashcam, bodycam ...) n'est permis qu'aux agents des affaires internes, aux agents titulaires du grade de chef-adjoint et supérieur ainsi qu'aux agents titulaires du grade d'inspecteur de police dans le seul cadre de leur investigations criminelles.

      1/430.00 RÉPRIMANDE

      • La présente procédure disciplinaire ne s'applique pas aux simples réprimandes verbales et aux consignes qui visent à former, redresser ou réprimer des manquements. Ainsi est-il licite qu'une autorité convoque pour entretien, réprimande ou encore délivre des consignes de faible intensité en vue de réprimer un manquement, à l'encontre d'un subalterne fautif.
        • Ces réprimandes sont prises avec discernement par l'autorité hiérarchique.
        • Les mesures prises de la sorte n'excèdent ni n'atteignent pas l'intensité des autres mesures disciplinaires, elles sont proportionnées et justifiées.
        • Elles ne sont pas recensées dans le dossier administratif de l'agent ni dans un autre dossier. Les seules sanctions enregistrées sont celles prises en application de la présente procédure disciplinaires.

      • Les sergents et personnels titulaires d'un grade supérieur sont compétents pour faire emploi de la procédure disciplinaire ordinaire qui doit obligatoirement être employée que dans le respect de l'ordre hiérarchique ; un subordonné ne peut pas sanctionner disciplinairement son supérieur.

      • Les mesures disciplinaires prononçables au titre de la procédure ordinaire sont les suivantes :
        • Un avertissement inscrit au dossier individuel de l'agent.
        • Un licenciement temporaire pour une durée égale ou inférieure à 3 jours, sans maintien de salaire.

        Ces sanctions sont prises par l'autorité compétente sans procédure de contradictoire obligatoire. L'agent en est obligatoirement notifié par une missive écrite qui s'attache à préciser la nature de la sanction, son intensité et ce qui la fonde (en faits). Les mesures disciplinaires prises au titre de la procédure ordinaire sont notifiées sur les dossiers administratifs.

      • La procédure disciplinaire spéciale n'est ouverte que par le chef de la police, son chef-assistant ou l'officier de commandement du bureau des services de support qui peuvent toutefois confier aux affaires internes ou à toute autre personne le soin d'exécuter pour elle la procédure disciplinaire spéciale.

      • Les mesures disciplinaires prononçables au titre de la procédure disciplinaire spéciale sont les suivantes :
        • Un avertissement inscrit au dossier individuel de l'agent.
        • Un blâme.
        • La restriction des prérogatives de l'agent.
        • Un licenciement temporaire pour une durée égale ou inférieure à 7 jours, sans maintien de salaire.
        • La rétrogradation.
        • La mutation d'office.
        • Le licenciement définitif.

      • Une fois la procédure disciplinaire spéciale ouverte, le chef de la police, son chef-assistant ou les affaires internes en notifie l'agent visé par écrit ou au cours d'un entretien enregistré. Cet agent est, par la même manière, informé des faits précis lui étant reprochés et de leur qualification (disciplinaire comme pénale).
      • Il est laissé à l'agent un délai de 48 heures pour soumettre par écrit ses observations et contestations. Il peut apporter toute pièce utile à la compréhension des faits et à l'établissement de la vérité. Il peut également demander des actes d'investigation, l'autorité en charge de la conduite de la procédure décidant des actes à accomplir.
      • En cas de notification par courrier de l'agent visé, ce dernier a nécessairement un délai de 48 heures pour répondre, à compter de la date d'envoi du courrier. L'envoi du courrier à son domicile est irréfragablement présumé valoir notification valide.
      • Suite à cette procédure, celui qui a ouvert la procédure prend la décision soit de reconnaître l'agent fautif, soit de le reconnaître non fautif. Dans tous les cas, l'agent est informé par écrit de la décision, laquelle est également inscrite à son dossier. S'il est reconnu fautif, celui qui a ouvert la procédure peut prononcer une mesure disciplinaire de toutes natures et de toutes intensités. Il peut déléguer ce droit à l'officier de commandement des affaires internes
      • Il peut également être décidé (après notification) par celui qui a ouvert la procédure de faire se tenir une commission disciplinaire exceptionnelle chargée d'entendre le mis-en-cause et de décider de son sort en fin de séance. Le chef de la police, dans ce cas, préside la commission disciplinaire sauf à déléguer cette tâche à une autre personne. Celui qui préside la commission décide.
      • Le personnel concerné par la procédure spéciale peut se faire accompagner par un avocat et peut faire appel à une représentation syndicale.
      • Tout concerné entendu, par écrit comme par une commission, se voit rappeler qu'il dispose du droit de garder le silence, que le silence n'est pas sanctionné et que tout ce qu'il dira pourra être retenu contre lui.


      • Les mesures disciplinaires et les décisions affectant les employés sont contestés auprès de l'officier de commandement du bureau de l'employé sanctionné.
        • La contestation de la mesure auprès du chef de la police n'intervient qu'en dernier recours et est un préalable obligatoire à la contestation de la mesure devant un juge. L'employé doit soit attendre la réponse du chef de la police, qui est justiciable, soit n'avoir obtenu aucune réponse sous 5 jours.
        • La contestation doit être envoyée par écrit au bureau de l'officier de commandement du bureau (ou du chef de la police, si dernier recours). Elle doit préciser la mesure contestée (les faits qui ont conduit à cette dernière et son intensité), les motifs de contestation et tous les éléments qui peuvent éclairer la situation.
        • Le chef de la police, lorsqu'il est sollicité, traite directement ou délègue sa compétence à un de ses subordonnés. Il prend discrétionnaire sa décision, laquelle est de dernier ressort et ne peut donc pas être contestée autrement que par une saisine du juge. La décision peut consister en une révision, une annulation ou une aggravation de la mesure contestée.






      • Si une nécessité impérieuse le commande et que l'urgence se fait sentir, les sergents ou à défaut les inspecteurs, ainsi que tous les agents plus gradés, prennent les mesures conservatoires utiles.
        • Ils peuvent dès lors et par exemple ordonner à un agent la fin de son service avec interdiction de le reprendre, assorti de la remise de son arme. Ils notifient la décision par écrit à l'agent et au bureau du chef dans les plus brefs délais. Cette notification mentionne notamment le contexte et les justifications exactes de la mesure prise au titre de l'urgence.
        • L'agent ainsi suspendu à titre conservatoire se voit interdire de reprendre son service et donc d'utiliser ou porter armes, tenues, insignes ou matériels du LSPD ou de faire usage de ses prérogatives de policier, jusqu'à décision hiérarchique plus favorable.
        • Cette mesure n'est ordonnée qu'en cas d'absolue nécessite, elle n'est pas prise si un agent des affaires internes ou un agent du grade de lieutenant au moins est disponible. Ces personnels (agents des AI et lieutenants ou plus gradés) prennent de plein droit des mesures de suspension à titre conservatoire, selon les mêmes modalités.

      1/520.00 APTITUDE

      • Le bureau du chef apprécie souverainement, après conseil éventuel de médecins et de spécialistes compétents, de l'aptitude des candidats et agents à occuper des fonctions au LSPD. Cette inaptitude peut s'entendre sur tous les plans : notamment médical et moral.
        • Sont notamment (mais pas exclusivement) des causes d'inaptitude à l'exercice des métiers actifs du département : la condamnation pénale, la toxicomanie (qualifiée dès la première prise volontaire de stupéfiants au sens du présent texte), les addictions (notamment à l'alcool), les troubles psychiques ou neuropsychiques, les maladies graves et contagieuses notamment par le sang, le souffle, le toucher ou la salive, les idéologies antipatriotiques, sécessionnistes, criminelles et toutes autres formes de radicalisation.
        • Au titre de l'inaptitude d'un agent ou d'un candidat, le bureau du chef prend toutes les mesures utiles, mais seulement ces mesures. En conséquence, si l'agent peut être requalifié à un autre poste, cette solution est privilégiée.
        • Il est rappelé qu'une inaptitude peut résulter d'un fait non fautif.

      1/530.00 ENQUÊTE D'APTITUDE

      • Le bureau du chef peut ordonner qu'un candidat ou agent soit soumis à une vérification de son aptitude.
      • Le groupe des affaires internes, division d'investigation administrative, est en charge des enquêtes relatives aux aptitudes des employés du département, en étroite collaboration avec les experts à la disposition de l'institution.
        • Les employés et les candidats se soumettent à ces vérifications en faisant preuve de bonne foi.

      1/540.00 MESURES UTILES

      • L'autorité hiérarchique prend toutes les mesures utiles au service, quelles que soient leurs natures et qu'elles soient collectives ou individuelles. Il peut ainsi par exemple être ordonné à un employé de respecter des restrictions ou de changer de poste.
        • Les employés et candidats se soumettent à ces mesures en faisant preuve de bonne foi.
        • Sauf urgence, les mesures contraignantes sont prises par le bureau du chef ou par l'officier commandant de bureau du concerné.
        • Le bureau du chef est informé de toutes les mesures individuelles prises à ce titre dès lors qu'elles restreignent ou modifient en quelque aspect que ce soit l'activité de l'employé.
        • Le bureau du chef est seule compétant pour ordonner une mesure excédant une semaine. Cela comprend les mesures définitives, dont les licenciements.


      • Le bureau du chef peut décider, après entretien contradictoire avec l'agent concerné et sur décision écrite et motivée qui est notifiée à l'agent visé, de prendre une mesure de licenciement à titre non disciplinaire.
      • L'agent reçoit l'indemnité prévue par la Loi à laquelle peut s’ajouter toute somme décidée par le bureau du chef.
      • Si le licenciement trouve sa cause dans la commission par l'agent d'une faute (civile, pénale, disciplinaire), son indemnité peut être réduite ou supprimée, conformément à la Loi.






      • Les agents au comportement particulièrement méritant peuvent se voir récompenser conformément aux présentes dispositions. Ils sont dits méritants,
        • Soit par leur carrière faisant honneur au Département,
        • Soit par l'accomplissement exceptionnel d'un acte faisant honneur au Département,
        • Soit par l'accomplissement d'un acte exceptionnel faisant honneur au Département.

      • Les rubans et médailles de catégorie B à E sont attribuées par l'officier de commandement du bureau de l'employé, les autres par le chef de la police ou son chef de cabinet.

      • Toute attribution de récompense est inscrite au dossier individuel de l'agent, avec la date et une brève synthèse du motif de la récompense.

      1/620.00 PROPOSITION

      • Les récompenses sont attribuées soit d'initiative par l'autorité compétente, soit à la suite d'une proposition de récompense pouvant émaner de toute personne rapportant les faits méritants.
        • N'importe quel agent du département peut recommander un autre agent pour une récompense auprès de l'autorité compétente.

      1/630.00 RÉCOMPENSES

      • L'agent peut être récompensé,
        • D'une lettre de félicitation d'un membre du bureau du chef ou du chef lui-même,
        • D'une gratification pécuniaire,
        • D'une décoration,
        • D'un avancement à titre exceptionnel.

      1/640.00 DÉCORATIONS

      • Le chef de police et son chef de cabinet définissent les décorations existantes.
        • Tout agent peut porter ses décorations sur son uniforme de cérémonie et sur son uniforme de service courant sous forme de rubans, conformément à la coutume du département.

      1/650.00 RECOMMANDATIONS

      • Les faits méritants peuvent être récompensés par une recommandation de l'agent en cause.
        • Un officier commandant de division peut recommander un agent de son propre effectif.
        • Un superviseur des patrouilles peut recommander un officier sous sa charge.
        • Les commandants des patrouilles peuvent recommander les agents de leur station d'affectation.
        • Les officiers de commandement ou de direction peuvent librement recommander un personnel du département.
        • Une recommandation fait obligatoirement l'objet d'une notification écrite sur le registre de recueil des recommandations contenant la date du fait recommandé et une brève synthèse, copie est faite dans le dossier personnel de l'agent par l'officier de direction du bureau des services de support.
        • Les officiers commandant de bureau ont pour tache de s'assurer du bien fondé des recommandations délivrées par leur subalterne, ils peuvent librement les révoquer. Ils sont chargés de suivre ces recommandations et de les noter dans le dossier administratif de l'agent recommandé.
        • L'officier de direction du bureau des services de support organise et encadre la délivrance de récompenses aux agents ayant été recommandés un certain nombre de fois.
    Messages : 71
    Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

    Volume 1 - Politique Empty Re: Volume 1 - Politique

    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:18
    210.05 STANDARD OF CONDUCT. The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics is adopted
    as a general standard of conduct for officers of the Los Angeles Police Department.
    210.10 LAW ENFORCEMENT CODE OF ETHICS. "As a law enforcement officer,
    my fundamental duty is to serve mankind-to safeguard lives and property, to protect the
    innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful
    against violence or disorder, and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty,
    equality and justice.
    I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the
    face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the
    welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will
    be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department.
    Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official
    capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my
    I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or
    friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless
    prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear
    or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never
    accepting gratuities.
    I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public
    trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly
    strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen
    profession...law enforcement."
    210.13 RESPECT FOR OTHERS. The cosmopolitan nature of the City is reflected in
    the diversity of Department employees. In such a diverse environment, biases or
    prejudices relating to factors such as race, ethnicity, sex, age, economic status, position in
    the community, or employee status with the Department must not be allowed to influence
    decision making or conduct involving other employees. While employees are entitled to
    their personal beliefs, they must not allow individual feelings or prejudices to enter into
    professional contacts. Employees must treat one another with respect and be constantly
    mindful that other people are individuals with emotions and needs as significant as their
    Respect for individual dignity is an integral part of the Department's management
    philosophy and must be practiced by everyone. Employees shall treat all persons with
    respect and courtesy, and conduct themselves in a manner that will foster the greatest
    harmony and cooperation between themselves and other members of the Department.
    210.15 LOYALTY. In the performance of their duty to serve society, officers are often
    called upon to make difficult decisions. They must exercise discretion in situations where
    their rights and liabilities and those of the Department hinge upon their conduct and
    judgment. Officer's decisions are not easily made and occasionally they involve a choice
    which may cause them hardship or discomfort. Officers must be faithful to their oath of
    office, the principles of professional police service, and the objectives of the Department,
    and in the discharge of their duty they must not allow personal motives to govern their
    decisions and conduct.
    210.20 INTEGRITY. The public demands that the integrity of its law enforcement
    officers be above reproach, and the dishonesty of a single officer may impair public
    confidence and cast suspicion upon the entire Department. Succumbing to even minor
    temptation can be the genesis of a malignancy which may ultimately destroy an
    individual's effectiveness and may contribute to the corruption of countless others. An
    officer must scrupulously avoid any conduct which might compromise the integrity of
    himself, his/her fellow officers, or the Department.
    210.25 ATTENTION TO DUTY. As most police work is necessarily performed
    without close supervision, the responsibility for the proper performance of officer's duty
    lies primarily with the officers themselves. Officers carry with them a responsibility for
    the safety of the community and their fellow officers. Officers discharge that
    responsibility by the faithful and diligent performance of their assigned duty. Anything
    less violates the trust placed in them by the people, and nothing less qualifies as
    professional conduct.
    210.30 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWFUL ORDERS. The Department is an
    organization with a clearly defined hierarchy of authority. This is necessary because
    unquestioned obedience of a superior's lawful command is essential for the safe and
    prompt performance of law enforcement operations. The most desirable means of
    obtaining compliance are recognition and reward of proper performance and the positive
    encouragement of a willingness to serve. However, negative discipline may be necessary
    where there is a willful disregard of lawful orders, commands, or directives.
    210.35 CONDUCT UNBECOMING AN OFFICER. A police officer is the most
    conspicuous representative of government, and to the majority of the people, the officer is
    a symbol of stability and authority upon whom they can rely. An officer's conduct is
    closely scrutinized, and when the officer's actions are found to be excessive, unwarranted,
    or unjustified, they are criticized far more severely than comparable conduct of persons in
    other walks of life. Since the conduct of officers, on- or off-duty, may reflect directly
    upon the Department, officers must at all times conduct themselves in a manner which
    does not bring discredit to themselves, the Department, or the City.
    210.37 WORKPLACE VIOLENCE POLICY. The safety and security of our
    employees, volunteers, and visitors is of paramount concern to the Department. In that
    regard, we are committed to maintaining a workplace free from violence or threats of
    violence. Thus, threats, threatening behavior, or acts of violence against an employee, a
    visitor, or any other individual cannot and will not be tolerated. All reports of workplace
    violence or threats of violence will be taken seriously and will be investigated promptly
    and thoroughly.
    External Incidents. Due to the unique mission of law enforcement, police officers and
    certain civilian employees, especially those in custodial assignments, receive threats of
    violence while performing their duties. In most cases, these threats are idle in nature and
    our employees are trained to recognize those incidents. When such an incident rises above
    an idle threat, laws and Department protocols are in place to effectively handle the matter,
    including prosecution of the suspect and protection for the employee. Therefore, this
    policy focuses more on internal workplace threats.
    Internal Incidents. For the purpose of this policy on workplace violence, the Department
    workplace is considered to be employee interaction at any Department facility as well as
    any duty-related interaction between employees. Any form of violence or threat of
    violence (actual or reasonably perceived) involving a Department employee and
    occurring in the workplace must be reported without delay to a supervisor, commanding
    officer, or the Commanding Officer, Personnel Division. Such behavior must be reported
    whether it is committed by another Department employee or a City employee. If
    management determines that an employee has engaged in workplace violence, appropriate
    action must be taken, which may include discipline up to and including termination. Any
    violent behavior committed by an employee outside the workplace, which arises out of a
    contact made at the workplace, may also result in disciplinary action up to and including
    All occurrences of violent behavior between employees will result in formal criminal and
    administrative investigations. Additionally, in all cases where violent behavior or a
    credible threat of violent behavior is directed at an employee, the Department will take
    appropriate legal action and/or other steps necessary to help protect the employee and/or
    the employee’s family members.
    An employee shall also report the existence of any restraining order that covers the
    employee at the workplace or any non-work related situation, such as stalking or
    domestic violence that may result in violence in the workplace. Under such
    circumstances, management will take appropriate precautions to help protect its
    employees in the workplace.
    • The types of behavior covered by this policy include, but are not limited to:
    o Direct or implied threats to do harm to another employee or to another
    employee’s property (including intimidating use of one’s body or physical
    o Verbally abusive or intimidating language or gestures;
    o Threatening, abusive, or harassing communication (i.e., phone calls,
    letters, memoranda, faxes, e-mail);
    o Unauthorized possession of a weapon at the workplace (including City
    parking lots);
    o Destructive or sabotaging actions against City or personal property;
    o Engaging in a pattern of unwanted or intrusive behavior against another
    (i.e., stalking, spying, following); and,
    o Violation of a restraining order.
    Furthermore, the Department is committed to supporting the City’s adopted policy on
    workplace violence. The Department will assist other City entities, where appropriate, in
    the prevention, investigation and prosecution of workplace violence.
    Department employee is the subject of a court order such as a Temporary Restraining
    Order, Emergency Protective Order or Order to Show Cause, the court may restrict the
    employee’s activities and/or require the employee to perform some action. In either
    situation, the court order may conflict with the employee’s duty assignment. Though the
    Department generally concerns itself only with the duty-related activities of its
    employees, violation of a court order, even if the order is unrelated to the person’s
    employment, may result in disciplinary action. Therefore, it is imperative that the
    Department is made aware of an employee who is the subject of any court order. This will
    assist in ensuring that the employee is able to comply with the order as well as protect the
    Department and City from civil liability. In addition, the Department needs to be aware of
    an employee who obtains a court order against another Department employee as this may
    affect workplace efficiency.
    When any Department employee is or reasonably believes he or she is about to be the
    subject of any court order, the employee shall notify his or her commanding officer
    without delay. The notification can be made directly or through a supervisor and shall
    include providing the commanding officer with a copy of all related court orders. It is the
    responsibility of the commanding officer to assess the potential impact on the employee’s
    duty assignment, the Department and the City. At a minimum, the commanding officer
    shall contact his or her bureau commanding officer and the Commanding Officer, Internal
    Affairs Division, advise them of the matter and be guided by their advice. If it is
    determined that the court action impacts the employee’s duty assignment, the
    commanding officer shall then take whatever action(s) is appropriate to ensure the
    employee’s compliance with the order and protect the City from any liability. If the court
    order involves a second Department employee, the commanding officer shall confer with
    the other employee’s commanding officer to ensure a compatible resolution of the matter.
    210.40 REFUSAL TO WORK. The alternative to law and its enforcement is anarchy
    and its resulting devastation. An officer's commitment to public service and professional
    ethics precludes engaging in strikes or similar concerted activities. For these reasons,
    police officers do not have the right to strike or to engage in any work stoppage or
    slowdown. It is the policy of this Department to seek the removal from office of any
    officer who plans or engages in any such strike, work stoppage, or slowdown.
    210.45 FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS. Public employees have stable incomes upon
    which they may forecast future earnings. For this reason, and because of public
    confidence in their responsibility, it is relatively easy for Department employees to
    contract financial obligations which, if not controlled, may become an impossible burden.
    Such financial distress may impair the individual's effectiveness and tends to bring
    discredit upon the Department. Employees should avoid incurring financial obligations
    which are beyond their ability to reasonably satisfy from their anticipated Department
    210.46 EMPLOYEE'S DUTY TO REPORT MISCONDUCT. The reporting of
    misconduct and prevention of the escalation of misconduct are areas that demand an
    employee to exercise courage, integrity, and decisiveness. Department Manual Section
    3/813.05 requires that when an employee, at any level, becomes aware of possible
    misconduct by another member of this Department, the employee shall immediately
    report the incident to a supervisor or directly to Internal Affairs Division. Furthermore, an
    employee who observes serious misconduct shall take appropriate action to cause the
    misconduct to immediately cease. The fact that a supervisor is present and not taking
    appropriate action to stop the misconduct does not relieve other employees present from
    this obligation.
    An employee's obligation to report and prevent misconduct begins the moment the
    employee becomes a member of the Los Angeles Police Department. Police officers,
    because of their status as peace officers, have an even greater responsibility to report and
    prevent misconduct. Experience, rank, or tenure are not factors in knowing the difference
    between right and wrong, and they do not provide an excuse for failing to take
    appropriate action. Although supervisors are responsible for investigating allegations of
    misconduct, all Department employees are responsible for preventing and reporting
    The citizens of Los Angeles expect and deserve employees who possess a high degree of
    integrity. Any employee who is perceived, justifiably or not, to be condoning or
    concealing misconduct impairs the trust of the public. Employees must respect and be
    aware of their responsibility to freely and truthfully report all acts of misconduct and to
    act, if necessary, to prevent the escalation of those acts. This is essential if the Department
    is to maintain the trust of the public.
    210.47 POLICE OFFICER'S DUTY TO TESTIFY. Among the duties of police
    officers are those of preventing the commission of crime, of assisting in its detection, and
    of disclosing all information known to them which may lead to the apprehension and
    punishment of those who have transgressed the law. When police officers acquire
    knowledge of facts which will tend to incriminate any person, it is their duty to disclose
    such facts to their superiors and to testify freely concerning such facts when called upon
    to do so. It is a violation of duty for police officers to refuse to disclose pertinent facts
    within their knowledge, and such neglect of duty can result in disciplinary action up to
    and including termination.
    Note: Under California and federal law, any testimony or statement made by an officer
    under administrative compulsion of this policy cannot be used against that officer in any
    pending or future criminal prosecution.
    OR THE DEPARTMENT. An employee who has knowledge of facts involving claims
    for damages or civil litigations in which the City or the Department is a defendant must:
    • Cooperate with the City's legal representatives, which may include attorneys from
    the City Attorney's Office or outside counsel hired by the City;
    • Cooperate with investigators from the City assigned to claims or civil litigations,
    which may include, but is not limited to, Legal Affairs Division or outside private
    investigators hired by the City's legal representatives; and,
    • Disclose facts of the case to investigators from the City and/or the City's legal
    A Department employee's refusal to cooperate with investigations or refusal to disclose
    known facts is considered neglect of duty and/or insubordination and may result in
    disciplinary action up to and including termination.
    Note: Nothing in this Order is intended to violate an employee's constitutional or
    statutory rights (e.g., right against self-incrimination) or otherwise require the disclosure
    of privileged communications. Any statement made by an employee in compliance with
    this Order is the confidential work product of the City's legal representatives. The
    Department will take appropriate action to ensure that the City's legal representatives
    cooperate with Department employees and their legal representatives and answer their
    questions responsively
    210.50 USE OF INTOXICANTS. There is an immediate lowering of esteem and
    suspicion of ineffectiveness when there is public contact by a Department employee
    evidencing the use of intoxicants. Additionally, the stresses of law enforcement require an
    employee to be mentally alert and physically responsive. Except as necessary in the
    performance of an official assignment, the consumption of intoxicants is prohibited while
    an employee is on-duty. While on-duty, officers shall not be permitted to consume
    intoxicants to such a degree that it impairs their on-duty performance.
    Department personnel shall not consume any intoxicants at any Department facility.
    Exceptions: Consumption of alcoholic beverages by off-duty Department personnel is
    permitted at the Police Academy lounge and recreation areas or at the Harbor Area Range
    recreation facilities with the approval of the Harbor Area Commanding Officer.
    Note: Facilities shall include parking lots, buildings, or any other areas controlled or
    operated by the Department.
    recognizes that alcoholism and stress-related problems are genuine medical problems
    which are deserving of the same concern and degree of understanding as the more
    traditional illnesses. Every employee should be aware of the symptoms of alcoholism and
    stress. Employees should not hesitate to seek professional assistance for themselves or
    offer to help fellow employees affected by these disorders. The personal obligation of
    individual employees regarding assistance to fellow employees includes the recognition
    of the symptoms of alcoholism and/or stress problems. There is also an accompanying
    moral obligation to encourage the affected employee to seek professional assistance.
    Supervisory personnel becoming aware of behavioral patterns indicative of alcoholism
    or stress among Department employees should contact Behavioral Science Services
    (BSS) for advice.
    Note: During off-hours, the concerned commanding officer or supervisor should contact
    the on-call BSS psychologist via the Department Command Post, Department Operations
    Center (DOC).
    The commanding officer or supervisor shall explain in detail the facts regarding the
    employee's behavior which have led to the belief that the employee may require the
    assistance of BSS. Behavioral Science Services will evaluate the request and advise the
    commanding officer or supervisor whether or not a directed or recommended referral to
    BSS is appropriate. Documentation is not required by the commanding officer or
    supervisor. However, if initiated, it should only indicate that the employee was directed or
    referred to BSS and a copy of the documentation shall be provided to the employee.
    When meeting with the employee, the commanding officer or supervisor shall discuss the
    rationale for the directed or recommended referral. The commanding officer or supervisor
    shall inform the employee that the referral is not disciplinary or punitive in nature, but is
    designed to assist the employee in resolving the relevant issues.
    210.60 USE OF CHEWING TOBACCO AND SNUFF. Department employees are the
    most prominent representatives of government and as such shall present a professional
    image at all times. An employee's unwise or unsightly use of chewing tobacco and snuff
    is offensive to the public and co-workers, and detracts from the professional bearing of
    the employee. The use of chewing tobacco and snuff is prohibited while on-duty, or
    off-duty in uniform.
    All uniformed Department employees shall not use any type of tobacco or snuff products
    or hold any tobacco paraphernalia while in public view, except as may be required during
    the course of their duties.
    "Tobacco Paraphernalia" shall mean cigarette papers or wrappers, pipes, holders of
    smoking materials of all types, cigarette rolling machines, and any other item designed for
    the smoking, preparation, storing, or consumption of tobacco products.
    "Tobacco Product" is defined as any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but not
    limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, bidis
    or beedies, hookah tobacco or any other preparation of tobacco.
    Note: The term "Tobacco Product" does not include any cessation product specifically
    approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine
    or tobacco dependence (nicotine patch).
    210.65 SMOKING POLICY. Department employees, both sworn and civilian, shall not
    smoke any type of tobacco product as defined in Department Manual Section 1/210.60, in
    any enclosed place of employment, including any portion of a building owned or leased
    by the Department and/or City, and/or City owned/operated vehicles.
    "Smoking" shall mean engaging in an act that generates smoke, such as possessing a
    lighted pipe, a lighted hookah pipe, a lighted cigar, a lighted cigarette, or an operating
    electronic smoking device.
    "Electronic Smoking Device" shall mean an electronic or battery-operated device that
    delivers vapors for inhalation. This term shall include every variation and type of such
    devices whether they are manufactured, distributed, marketed or sold as an electronic
    cigarette, an electronic cigar, an electronic cigarillo, an electronic pipe, an electronic
    hookah pipe or any other product name or descriptor.
    All uniformed Department employees shall not smoke any types of tobacco products or
    hold any smoking devices, electronic smoking devices or tobacco paraphernalia, as
    defined in Department Manual Section 1/210.60, while in public view, except as may be
    required during the course of their duties
    For the purpose of this policy, uniformed officers assigned to field duties or who, with the
    approval of their commanding officer, are representing the Department in an activity for
    which the uniform is being worn (Manual Section 3/606.15), are considered on-duty. All
    plainclothes sworn employees conducting official Department business are prohibited and
    shall not smoke any type of tobacco products or hold any smoking devices, electronic
    smoking devices or tobacco paraphernalia while engaged in contact with a citizen or
    while in a residence or business.
    Commanding officers shall designate an appropriate outdoor location(s) within their
    commands where employees will be allowed to smoke. Designated smoking areas should
    not be visible to the general public and shall not be within 20 feet of a main exit, entrance
    or operable window, or inside a public building owned and occupied or leased and
    occupied by the City.
    The Commanding Officer, Administrative Services Bureau, is responsible for designating
    an appropriate outdoor location(s) where employees will be allowed to smoke at the
    Police Administrative Building
    Messages : 71
    Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

    Volume 1 - Politique Empty Re: Volume 1 - Politique

    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:19
    On-Duty, Within City, Fully Responsible. On-duty officers within the City limits, after
    considering the tactical situation, are to take all steps reasonably necessary and consistent
    with their assignment to effect the enforcement of the penal provisions of the City, State,
    and Nation, and to protect life and property.
    On-Duty, Outside of City, Fully Responsible for City Matters. On-duty officers
    outside the City limits who become aware of a situation requiring police action must first
    consider the tactical situation, then take all steps reasonably necessary on police matters
    of direct concern to the City of Los Angeles.
    230.10 RESPONSIBILITY OF OFF - DUTY OFFICERS. Under California law, both
    on-and off-duty officers have peace officer authority as to any public offense committed
    or which there is probable cause to believe has been committed in his presence and with
    respect to which there is immediate danger to person or property, or the escape of the
    perpetrator of such offense. However, on-duty officers outside the City limits who are not
    acting within the scope of their employment as Los Angeles Police officers on matters of
    direct concern to the City and off-duty officers both inside and outside of the City limits
    are to give first consideration to causing the appropriate action to be effected by the
    responsible law enforcement agency. Such officers should then act only after
    consideration of the tactical situation and of their possible liability and that of the City of
    Los Angeles.
    powers of Los Angeles police officers do not extend beyond this State except as provided
    for in the Uniform Act on Fresh Pursuit. Officers, who are outside the boundaries of this
    State for extradition or other matters of direct concern to the City, are not to engage in
    police activities unless necessary in the performance of their duties as an agent of the
    City, and then only after consideration of the tactical situation.
    constitutional right to violate the law; neither may any person be deprived of his/her
    constitutional rights merely because he/she is suspected of having committed a crime. The
    task of determining the constitutionality of a statute lies with an appellate court of proper
    jurisdiction, not with an officer who seeks to properly enforce the law as it exists.
    Therefore, an officer may enforce any federal, state, or local statute which is valid on its
    face without fear of abrogating the constitutional rights of the person violating that
    statute. An officer who lawfully acts within the scope of his/her authority does not
    deprive persons of their civil liberties. The officer may within the scope of his/her
    authority make reasonable inquiries, conduct investigations, and arrest on probable cause.
    However, when an officer exceeds his/her authority by unreasonable conduct, the officer
    violates the sanctity of the law which he/she is sworn to u
    Messages : 71
    Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

    Volume 1 - Politique Empty Re: Volume 1 - Politique

    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:20
    among employees is healthy for the employing organization and a necessary ingredient in
    a successful, productive and fulfilling occupation. However, public trust requires that
    employees avoid even the appearance of a conflict between their professional
    responsibilities and their personal relationships with other employees. For purposes of
    this Section, “personal relationship” is defined as any romantic relationship that extends
    beyond simple friendship, including but not limited to, dating, cohabitation, marriage, or
    other intimate relationship. This also includes familial relationships such as an ex-spouse,
    child, stepchild, stepparent, parent, sibling, cousin, daughter-in-law or son-in-law.
    The avoidance of an actual or potential conflict is particularly acute for superiors and
    subordinates, by rank or paygrade. For purposes of this Section, “superior” includes
    employees who have temporary or ongoing direct or indirect authority over the actions,
    decisions, hiring, evaluation, and/or performance of a subordinate employee within the
    same watch or chain-of-command. This includes superior officers (i.e., Police Officer II
    and III) who have training and/or evaluation responsibilities of a probationary officer.
    The authority given a superior over a subordinate is a solemn responsibility entrusted to
    that superior by the Chief of Police. That trust makes the superior an extension of the
    Chief of Police and demands that every decision made by the superior be totally
    objective, impeccably fair and, above all, devoid of any personal favoritism. If a superior
    enters into a personal or business relationship with a subordinate, the motive for decisions
    made by that superior relative to the subordinate may become suspect and compromise
    the integrity of those involved. This could lead to a disrupted work environment, reduced
    production and a decline in morale.
    All employees shall avoid situations which give rise to an actual or apparent conflict
    between their professional responsibilities and their relationships with other employees.
    However, should such a situation develop, it is the duty of the involved employees to
    immediately notify their commanding officer either in person or through the
    chain-of-command. The commanding officer shall take appropriate action to eliminate
    the conflict keeping the best interest of both the employees and the Department in mind.
    Note: Off-duty personal relationships not involving the same watch or chain-of-
    command conflict are not reportable as conflicts of interest under this Section. However,
    any personal relationship between employees which negatively impacts an involved
    employee’s performance of their professional responsibilities is a matter of serious
    concern to the Department. The Department reserves the right to take appropriate action,
    to eliminate such conflicts in order to maintain an appropriate work environment.
    GANGS. Building and preserving reserving trust between the community and law
    enforcement is crucial to effectively maintaining Department operations, reducing crime
    and ensuring the safety of occupants and businesses within our City. Participation in law
    enforcement gangs has proven to undermine the objectives of law enforcement and
    violates the fundamental principles of professional policing.
    All Department personnel are prohibited from participating in a law enforcement
    gang. A violation of this policy shall be grounds for termination.
    California Penal Code Section 13670 defines a “law enforcement gang” as a group of
    peace officers within a law enforcement agency who may identify themselves by a name
    and may be associated with an identifying symbol, including, but not limited to,
    matching tattoos, and who engage in a pattern of on-duty behavior that intentionally
    violates the law or fundamental principles of professional policing, including, but not
    limited to: excluding, harassing, or discriminating against any individual based on a
    protected category under federal or state antidiscrimination laws; engaging in or
    promoting conduct that violates the rights of other employees or members of the public;
    violating agency policy; the persistent practice of unlawful detention or use of excessive
    force in circumstances where it is known to be unjustified; falsifying police reports;
    fabricating or destroying evidence; targeting persons for enforcement based solely on
    protected characteristics of those persons; theft; unauthorized use of alcohol or drugs on -
    duty; unlawful or unauthorized protection of other members from disciplinary actions;
    and, retaliation against other officers who threaten or interfere with the activities of the
    In addition to completing its own investigations, the Department shall cooperate with the
    Office of the Inspector General, the Attorney General, and/or any other authorized
    agency investigating such gangs within the Depa
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    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:21
    285. SEXUAL ORIENTATION DISCRIMINATION. It is the policy of the Los
    Angeles Police Department that discrimination in the workplace on the basis of an
    individual's sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression is unacceptable and
    will not be tolerated. Department personnel shall not consider an applicant's or
    employee's known or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression
    in any pre-employment or employment action or decision, including but not limited to
    background checking, testing, hiring, assigning, training, transferring, upgrading,
    promoting, compensating, evaluating, disciplining and discharging.
    It is the responsibility of all commanding officers and supervisors to take the necessary
    steps, including training and appropriate disciplinary action, to ensure and maintain a
    working environment free from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender
    identity or gender expression. The Department shall prohibit, as a form of discrimination,
    the creation of or contribution to a hostile, intimidating, threatening, offensive, or abusive
    work environment on the basis of an individual's known or perceived sexual orientation,
    gender identity or gender expression. This includes written, spoken, graphic or
    demonstrative derogatory terms, slurs, comments, gestures, ridicule, threats, rumors, or
    jokes with respect to an individual's known or perceived sexual orientation, gender
    identity or gender expression. The Department is committed to eliminating discriminatory
    conduct in the workplace and will not tolerate or condone any form of discrimination or
    harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression by any
    Department or City employe
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    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:21
    310. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Community relations is based upon the principle that
    in a democratic society the police are an integral and indivisible element of the public
    they serve. Community relations is manifested by positive interaction between the people
    and the police and represents their unity and common purpose.
    A system of law and its enforcement is not superimposed upon an unwilling public in a
    free society; the law is created by the people themselves to control the behavior of those
    who would seek to interfere with the community welfare and existence.
    While the primary responsibility for the enforcement of the law lies with the people, the
    complexities of modern society and the inability of the people to personally cope with
    crime has required that they create the police service to assist in maintaining social order.
    The police represent only a portion of the total resources expended by the public to this
    end; however, this effort, frequently being restrictive of individual freedom, brings the
    police into contact with members of the public under circumstances which have a
    far-reaching impact upon the lives of the affected individuals. A citizen's encounter with
    the police can be a very frightening and emotionally painful experience, and under these
    circumstances, the risk of a misunderstanding is very great. The minimization of this risk
    is a challenge intrinsic to each public contact by the Department.
    The Department must strive for the establishment of a climate where an officer may
    perform his or her duties with the acceptance, understanding, and approval of the public.
    Additionally, the willing and practiced participation of the people in enforcing the law is
    essential for the preservation of freedom.
    320. INDIVIDUAL DIGNITY. A recognition of individual dignity is vital in a free
    system of law. Just as all persons are subject to the law, all persons have a right to
    dignified treatment under the law, and the protection of this right is a duty which is as
    binding on the Department as any other. An officer must treat a person with as much
    respect as that person will allow, and the officer must be constantly mindful that the
    people with whom he/she is dealing are individuals with human emotions and needs.
    Such conduct is not a duty imposed in addition to an officer's primary responsibilities, it
    is inherent in them.
    330. ROLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OFFICER. Community relations is manifested in
    its most common form in the numerous daily encounters between individual officers and
    citizens. It is at this level that reality is given to the unity of the people and the police and
    where the greatest burden for strengthening community relations is laid.
    In dealing with people each officer must attempt to make his/her contact one which
    inspires respect for himself/herself as an individual and professional and one which
    generates the cooperation and approval of the public. While entitled to his/her personal
    beliefs, an officer cannot allow his/her individual feelings or prejudices to enter into
    public contacts. However, since an officer's prejudices may be subconsciously
    manifested, it is incumbent upon him to strive for the elimination of attitudes which might
    impair his/her impartiality and effectiveness.
    340. EQUALITY OF ENFORCEMENT. As one of the world's largest cities, Los
    Angeles is composed of many different communities, each with its own life-style and
    each with its own individual crime problems. The cosmopolitan nature of the City is
    manifested by the diverse ethnic and sociological background of its people. However, all
    persons in each area of the City have in common the need for the protection which is
    afforded by fair and impartial law enforcement.
    Additionally, as a person moves throughout the City, he or she must be able to expect a
    similar police response to his behavior wherever it occurs. Where the law is not evenly
    enforced, there follows a reduction in respect for the law and a resistance to its
    In order to respond to varying law enforcement needs in the different parts of the City, the
    Department must have flexibility in deployment and methods of enforcement; however,
    enforcement policies should be formulated on a Citywide basis, and applied uniformly in
    all areas.
    Implicit in uniform enforcement of law is the element of evenhandedness in its
    application. The amount of force used or the method employed to secure compliance with
    the law or to make arrests is governed by the particular situation. Similar circumstances
    require similar treatment in all areas of the City and for all groups and individuals. To
    ensure equal treatment in similar circumstances, an officer must be alert to situations
    where, because of a language barrier or for some other reason, he or she may be called
    upon to display additional patience and understanding in dealing with what might
    otherwise appear to be a lack of response.
    Department (LAPD or the Department) expressly prohibits all forms of biased policing.
    This policy re-emphasizes the Department's commitment to serving all members of the
    public in a just, transparent and equitable manner, consistent with their civil and
    individual rights, and in accordance with existing policies and procedures.
    Discriminatory conduct on the basis of an individual's actual or perceived race, religion,
    color, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual
    orientation, disability, immigration or employment status, English language fluency or
    homeless circumstance, is prohibited while performing any law enforcement
    activity. All law enforcement contacts and activities, including, but not limited to, calls
    for service, investigations, police-initiated stops or detentions, and activities following
    stops or detentions, shall be unbiased and based on legitimate, articulable facts,
    consistent with the standards of reasonable suspicion or probable cause as required by
    federal and state law. Officers shall not initiate police action where the objective is to
    discover the civil immigration status of any person and shall strictly adhere to the
    Department's immigration enforcement guidelines as outlined in Department Manual
    Sections 4/264.50 and 4/264.55.
    Department personnel may not consider or rely on any of the following actual or
    perceived characteristics or identifiers in deciding which persons to subject to a stop or in
    deciding upon the scope or substance of law enforcement activities following a stop,
    except when engaging in the investigation of appropriate suspect-specific activity to
    identify a particular person or gro
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    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:22
    420.10 ROLE OF THE NEWS MEDIA. A well-informed public is essential to the
    existence of a democratic nation. To effectively exercise his or her franchise, a citizen
    must be aware of current events and the state of government. A free press serves the
    public by supplying needed information, by stimulating thought, and by providing a
    medium for expression. Crime, its results, and the efforts to combat it are all matters of
    continuing public concern. The Department is regularly involved in events at which
    members of the news media are properly present and performing their task of gathering
    420.20 ROLE OF THE DEPARTMENT. The Department actively seeks to establish a
    cooperative climate in which the news media may obtain information on matters of public
    interest in a manner which does not hamper police operations. However, certain
    information must be withheld from the news media in order to protect the constitutional
    rights of an accused, to avoid interfering with a Department investigation, or because it is
    legally privileged.
    420.30 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER. To foster cooperation
    and mutual respect between the news media and the Department, the Commanding
    Officer, Media Relations and Community Affairs Group, is designated as the
    Department's Public Information Officer. His or her personal services are made available
    to authorized representatives of the news media to assist in solving problems of mutual
    concern to the press and the Department. Additionally, the Public Information Officer
    responds to serious police incidents to assist the news media in their function.
    event being investigated is of such a spectacular or unusual nature as to stimulate general
    community interest, the news media will be notified. Normally, it is the responsibility of
    an Area or division commanding officer or the senior officer at the scene to make such
    notifications; however, when there is an event of major proportions, the Public
    Information Officer will assume responsibility for the release of information.
    scope and content of each release of information must be determined according to the
    facts of each situation. Generally, a description of the circumstances which is not legally
    privileged and which will not prejudice the rights of suspects or interfere with an
    investigation will be made. Such determination is made by the Public Information Officer
    or by the senior officer at the scene after consultation with the investigating officer or
    other responsible authority.
    420.55 CRITICAL INCIDENT VIDEO RELEASE POLICY. It is the policy of the
    Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) that video evidence in the Department’s
    possession of “Critical Incidents” involving LAPD officers be released to the public
    within 45 days of the incident. The Board of Police Commissioners (Commission) or the
    Chief of Police (COP) may determine that earlier release is in the public interest. This
    release shall consist of relevant video imagery that depicts the actions and events leading
    up to and including the “Critical Incident.” Relevant video imagery is video and
    accompanying audio footage that is typically considered by the COP, Commission, and
    criminal prosecutors to determine the propriety of an officer's conduct during such
    “Critical Incidents.” The release of video shall be accompanied by additional information
    to provide context based on the evidence available at the time of release.
    Critical Incidents. This policy applies to video imagery concerning the following types
    of incidents:
    • Officer-involved shootings, regardless of whether a person was hit by gunfire (this
    does not include unintentional discharges or officer-involved animal shootings);
    • A use of force resulting in death or serious bodily injury requiring hospitalization;
    • Any other police encounter where the Commission or the COP determines release
    of video is in the public's interest;
    • All deaths while an arrestee/detainee is in the custodial care of the Department
    unless all of the following conditions e

    enforcement agency will be persuasive evidence that its possessor is a legitimate news
    media representative.
    STATUTE. According to State law, duly authorized representatives of any news service,
    newspaper, or radio or television station or network may enter any area closed because of
    a menace to the public health or safety. Authorization for such entry is based upon the
    possession of a temporary or permanent Department-issued news media pass. The
    decision to assume the risk of danger remains with the individual news reporter involved,
    and it is not the responsibility of officers to provide for the safety of those members of the
    news media who voluntarily choose to subject themselves to danger.
    POLICE INCIDENT OR CRIME SCENE. Police lines may be established to prevent
    persons from entering the area of a serious police incident or crime scene. Dependent
    upon the tactical situation and the likelihood of jeopardizing police operations, members
    of the news media may be allowed in such areas. Authorization for entry is normally
    dependent upon the possession of a permanent or temporary Department-issued news
    media pass; however; if the Department is not issuing temporary passes or does not have
    the present capability of issuing temporary passes at the scene, and the opportunity of
    obtaining news coverage appears to be limited in duration, a news media pass issued by
    another law enforcement agency may be recognized.
    reporter may be permitted in the area of a crime scene or a serious police incident, he/she
    does not have the authority to be within a crime scene or area which has been secured to
    preserve evidence or at any location where his/her presence jeopardizes police operations.
    420.85 NEWS MEDIA NOT EXEMPT FROM LAWS. A news reporter's primary
    responsibility is to report the news by obtaining information and photographs at
    news-worthy incidents. His/her opportunity to do so is infrequently momentary at an
    emergency scene. An officer sharing these circumstances with a news reporter should not
    unnecessarily obstruct the news reporter in the performance of his/her duty; however,
    members of the news media are neither impliedly nor expressly exempt from any
    municipal, state, or federal statute
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    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:23
    520.10 SCOPE OF PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION. The scope of preliminary
    investigation by a uniformed officer may be very restricted or it may constitute the entire
    investigation of the crime. In a particular crime, the scope of the preliminary investigation
    may be limited by investigative policy, and in all cases it is limited by an officer's
    assignment work load. Consistent with his/her other responsibilities, an officer should
    continue a preliminary investigation to the point where the delay in investigation caused
    by the report being processed will not materially jeopardize the investigation.
    OFFICERS. Uniformed officers may conduct a limited follow-up investigation upon
    supervisory approval when there is a reasonable chance of apprehending the suspect,
    when there is a need for obtaining additional information for the preliminary investigation
    report, or when there are other compelling circumstances.
    520.30 COURTESY CRIME REPORTS. Generally, crime reports shall not be
    completed for occurrences outside the City. Department personnel should impress upon a
    citizen requesting a crime report the importance of an expeditious investigation and the
    fact that this can only occur if the crime is reported to the concerned agency. In those
    cases where exigent circumstances exist that would make it impractical for a person to
    report the crime to the concerned agency, a courtesy report may be completed, with prior
    supervisory approval.
    PREJUDICE. The City of Los Angeles values the great diversity of its people and
    recognizes that a threat against any portion of our community is truly a threat against our
    diverse way of life. Acts or threats of violence motivated by hatred or prejudice are
    serious acts, often vicious in nature, which tear at the fabric of our community. These
    occurrences generate fear and concern among victims as well as the entire community and
    have the potential of recurring, escalating and possibly causing counter-violence.
    It is the policy of the Los Angeles Police Department to ensure that the rights of all
    people, as guaranteed by the constitutions of the United States and the State of California,
    are protected. Among those constitutional guarantees is the right of all people to live
    without fear of attack or threat from an individual or group due to hatred or prejudice. An
    act or threat of violence motivated by hatred or prejudice threatens this constitutional
    guarantee and generates fear and concern among victims and the public.
    When any act motivated by hatred or prejudice occurs, the Department will ensure that it
    is dealt with on a priority basis and use every necessary legal resource to rapidly and
    decisively identify the suspects and bring them to justice.
    524. CIVIL DISPUTES. The presence of police officers at the scene of a civil dispute
    can have an intimidating effect upon unsophisticated persons and is a tactic often
    employed by individuals and establishments seeking to avoid the more cumbersome civil
    process. The presence of officers at such scenes is primarily to preserve the peace and to
    prevent a crime from occurring. Officers shall not become unnecessarily involved in civil
    It is the policy of the Los Angeles Police Department to dispatch a police unit to a civil
    dispute only in those cases where a crime has been reported or when it appears necessary
    to prevent criminal activity. Involvement by members of this Department shall be limited
    to preventing criminal activity and encouraging all parties to pursue appropriate civil
    remedies. Officers shall scrupulously avoid taking sides in any civil dispute or giving the
    appearance that this may be the case. Exceptions may be made in the event of a request
    for assistance by a governmental agency whose responsibilities include executing civil
    528. FIELD SUPERVISION. Since emergency situations occur without warning, and
    their duration is often brief, officers must frequently make critical decisions without
    benefit of on-the-scene direction. In most police operations, however, supervision is
    available and necessary to provide guidance and training. Supervision gives coherence to
    the police task and directs the energies of the Department into an organized effort. Proper
    supervision is essential to maintain a professional level of competence in law enforcement
    528.10 SUPERVISION IN FIELD OPERATIONS. The Department is an organization
    with an assignment of responsibility and accountability throughout the rank structure. To
    the degree that senior officers are responsible and accountable for the performance of
    their junior officers, they must be granted commensurate authority in order to properly
    discharge their supervisorial responsibility. Field supervision begins with senior officers
    of the Department, and it is upon them that the primary burden of training and supervising
    less experienced officers is placed. A field sergeant is the first level of full-time
    supervision, and it is his or her primary responsibility to guide, train, direct, and motivate
    those over whom he or she has control. A field sergeant is not normally expected to
    engage in law enforcement operations except in a command or supervisory capacity.
    Department resources at a police situation rests with the field commander or the assigned
    senior officer. Such person has the authority to direct the operation and is responsible for
    its outcome. Senior command officers may make suggestions; however, they may not
    actively direct the operation unless they properly relieve the subordinate of command. A
    senior command officer at an emergency scene who does not choose to take command
    may be held accountable for unfavorable developments which they could have prevented
    by assuming control.
    Exception: At the scene of a barricaded suspect, the provisions of Section 1/568.20 of the
    Department Manual apply.
    536. CRIME SCENE SUPERVISION. The senior investigating officer present is in
    charge of a crime sc
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    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:23
    540.10 INVESTIGATION OF REPORTED CRIMES. Follow-up investigation
    consists of efforts to interview victims and witnesses; locate, identify, and preserve
    physical evidence; recover stolen property; identify, locate, interview, and arrest suspects;
    present the case to the prosecutor; and cooperate in the prosecution of the defendant. Such
    investigations are conducted to produce evidence relating to the guilt or innocence of any
    suspect and to recover property.
    INVESTIGATIONS. As it is not feasible to expend equal time and energy in the
    investigation of all reported crimes, priority of investigation and allocation of resources
    must be based upon the relative seriousness of each reported crime. However, reported
    crimes will be investigated to the fullest extent possible without regard to the status of the
    victims or the areas of the City in which the crimes occur.
    544.10 USE OF INFORMANTS. Often, information from confidential sources is the
    investigative lead which solves a case and without which there could not be a prosecution.
    Information is received by the Department regarding criminal activities and suspects from
    persons in all walks of life. Many people who give information have been victims or
    witnesses of crimes, or they may have a strong desire to aid law enforcement. There are
    others motivated purely by selfish interests. However, regardless of their motivation, the
    use of informants is a basic weapon in the fight against crime, and they are a judicially
    recognized source of information. An informant's motivation should be carefully
    evaluated in determining the extent upon which the information will be relied.
    sometimes offer to exchange information for immunity or for their release. Such
    immunity may properly be granted by a judge in a judicial proceeding; however, neither
    the Department nor any of its members may grant any person immunity from prosecution.
    shall keep their supervisors informed of their relations and activities involving
    informants. A commanding officer shall require that the identity of informants be
    disclosed to him/her. At least two officers shall be present when meeting with an
    informant in the field and both officers should understand the informant’s language.
    information and evidence regarding criminal activities, it may be necessary that the
    Department utilize undercover operators. Such operators shall not become "Agents
    Provocateurs" or engage in entrapment. The officers shall not commit any act or omit to
    perform any duty imposed by law which constitutes a crime.
    THE NEWS MEDIA. The use of a news media cover by an officer to obtain
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    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:24
    571. USE OF DEPARTMENT POLICE DOGS. Police dogs are a multi-functional
    asset of the Los Angeles Police Department. Police dogs may be used in appropriate
    circumstances to assist officers in the search for criminal suspects; the detection and
    location of narcotics and/or explosives; and the location of missing adults or juveniles.
    Supervisors or officers at the scene of a police incident may request the assistance of a
    police dog and shall be responsible for determining if the dog is to be used. When a police
    dog is deployed, the dog handler shall be solely responsible for the control and direction
    of the dog.
    Police dogs may be used:
    • In the detection, control, and apprehension of a suspect when there is a reasonable
    suspicion of the suspect's involvement in criminal activity;
    • In the search of buildings and large areas for suspects;
    • In the investigation of a crime or possible crime;
    • In searches for narcotics and/or narcotic paraphernalia;
    • In searches for explosives and/or explosive devices; or,
    • In criminal and non-criminal incidents to assist in the search for missing juveniles
    or adults.
    Police dogs are employed to assist officers in the performance of their duties. In
    appropriate circumstances, police dogs may be used to defend peace officers and others
    from imminent danger at the hands of an assailant, and may defend themselves from
    annoying, harassing, or provoking acts.
    572. USE OF CHEMICAL AGENTS. To minimize injury to suspects, officers, and
    others or to avoid property damage, the use of a chemical agent, such as tear gas, may be
    necessary in circumstances where a serious danger to life and property exists and other
    methods of control or apprehension would be ineffective or more dangerous.
    The field commander at a police situation has the responsibility for determining the need
    for the use of a chemical agent and the authority to direct its deployment. In no event,
    however, can authorization for the use of a chemical agent be given by an officer below
    the rank of Sergeant or Detective. The use of a chemical agent for crowd or riot control
    must be authorized by an officer of the rank of Commander or higher.
    Shotgun, 40mm Less-Lethal Launcher and Oleoresin Capsicum, are only permissible
    when there is an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others.
    Oleoresin Capsicum spray shall be possessed and maintained by all uniformed field
    personnel who have completed designated training in its use. Undercover and plain
    clothes personnel may possess chemical irritant spray subject to the same training
    All on-duty uniformed field supervisors and officers who have received the Department's
    TASER training and who carry a TASER shall do so utilizing a Department-approved
    holster, unless neither is available, or an exemption is approved by the employee’s
    commanding officer. All on-duty uniformed field officers shall carry a TASER. As
    availability permits, uniformed field supervisors are encouraged, but not mandated, to
    equip themselves with the TAS
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    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:25
    610. COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY. Commanding officers have responsibility and
    accountability for every aspect of their command. Commensurately, within policy
    guidelines and legal constraints they have the authority to coordinate and direct assigned
    personnel and other allocated resources in achieving their organizational objectives. In so
    doing, they must perform the full range of administrative functions, relying upon policy,
    direction, training, and personal initiative to guide them and their command in achieving
    the highest level of performance possible.
    610.10 TRANSFER OF COMMAND. Upon assuming a new assignment and
    continually thereafter, a commanding officer should critically evaluate all aspects of his
    or her command. The commanding officer should review existing policies, procedures
    and programs to determine if the need for which they were enacted remains unchanged.
    Existing budget requests should be reviewed to ensure that any changes made or
    contemplated have not rendered the requests obsolete.
    Upon a change of command, the commanding officer being replaced has a duty to lend
    his or her full assistance in making the command transition as smoothly and orderly as
    possible. Orientation of a new commanding officer should include information
    concerning unique problems of the command and assistance in continuing community
    and professional contacts relative to the command.
    command is such that there must be a coexisting loyalty to the management of the
    Department and to subordinates. The resolution of those loyalties, in a manner which
    benefits both the Department and the individual, and which avoids conflicts between the
    two interests requires the exercise of leadership. An interest in employees and their
    welfare is a responsibility of command, which may extend beyond morale problems and
    their effect upon an individual's performance. It includes a concern for the personal
    problems, desires, and interests of employees and positive assistance in resolving those
    problems or in achieving their goals. However, commanding officers should be cautious
    to avoid interfering where assistance is not required or desired.
    officers have a responsibility to maintain professional and community contacts as they
    relate to their command. As a representative of the Department, commanding officers
    must take an active role in the community of their command, and participate in
    identifying, and providing for its law enforcement needs.
    615. PLANNING RESPONSIBILITY. It is essential that there be planning in the
    police service. From the Chief of Police, who must devise long-range plans involving the
    entire resources of the Department, to the radio car officer, who must discuss an
    operational plan with his or her partner while enroute to a call, there exists an imperative
    for planning which is so great that it merges with the action itself. The requirement that
    an employee plan his or her action is commensurate with the degree of the officer's
    responsibility and accountability for the results of the action.
    In the performance of their duties, officers are confronted with an infinite variety of
    circumstances which require police action. In an attempt to utilize collective experience
    and research in assisting officers to deal with such diverse situations, the Department
    formulates procedures to direct action in certain generalized situations. As officers are
    routinely confronted with the unusual, it is impossible to provide standing procedures for
    officers to follow in each individual situation; therefore, officers must additionally be
    provided with policy guidelines to assist them in the necessary exercise of discretion. The
    combination of policy and procedures, reinforced by training, acts to provide officers with
    a structurally sound framework within which to function.
    In addition to developing standing procedures, the Department must regularly devise
    single-use plans to accommodate specific needs. These plans may involve a
    Departmentwide response to a major unusual occurrence or a tactical answer to an
    isolated police incident. Once initiated, such plans should be evaluated for the
    development of standing procedures or for future reference in analogous situations.
    620. SCOPE OF PLANNING. While each plan differs according to the need for which
    it is developed, each plan should define its need, objective, scope and purpose, the
    method for its implementation, and a means of evaluating its effectiveness.
    625. USE OF TASK FORCE FOR PLANNING. When a need develops for a single-
    use plan affecting more than a single bureau or when it is necessary to develop a major
    project within a limited time, it may be appropriate to assemble a task force whose staff is
    provided on loan from various divisions or bureaus. When a task force is assembled, it
    must be structured with clearly defined objectives, organization, responsibility, and
    authority. It should be placed under the control of an existing organizational unit, whose
    commanding officer has responsibility and accountability for its performance.
    630. COMPLETED STAFF WORK. The result of an effort to research a problem and
    develop a solution, leaving nothing for the final authority to do except approve or
    disapprove, is traditionally known as completed staff work. In such projects, it is essential
    that original instructions include identification of the problem, direction, the desired scope
    of endeavor, and the time limit for completion. Direction should clearly indicate what is
    desired by way of the project. The project should include adequate research to accurately
    define the problem and to examine all reasonable solutions. The assigned employee
    should include in his or her report a recommendation and a summary of the findings
    supporting their conclusion. In completed staff work, a final step, prior to obtaining
    concurrences, is to notify involved organizational components of the findings and
    recommendations of the project.
    635. DEPARTMENT DIRECTIVES. In a large and complex organization such as the
    Department, it is essential that directives communicate desired information to concerned
    employees as accurately as possible. Directives should be well researched, properly
    drafted, and subjected to staff review for concurrence. A commanding officer or director
    may issue a directive as long as it affects his or her command only and does not conflict
    with Department directives. Ordinarily, where there is more than one bureau affected,
    directives should be issued by the Chief of Police.
    640. ADMINISTRATION OF DISCIPLINE. One of the primary tasks of a
    commanding officer is the administration of discipline. Discipline can be positive or
    negative; it may involve encouragement, inspiration, training or imposition of negative
    sanctions. It has as its immediate purpose the channeling of individual effort into effective
    and productive action.
    The exercise of positive discipline requires foresight and planning rather than merely
    reaction. It involves an evaluation of the human factor which, when combined with proper
    training, motivation and recognition of individual and group effort, results in
    Disciplinary means may range from a warning, where the immediate effect is on the
    individual, to termination, where the positive result derived is in the reassurance of other
    employees as to unacceptable limits of misconduct. In each case care must be exercised to
    make the proper choice in obtaining a desired and just result.
    In the administration of discipline, a commanding officer must consider the totality of the
    circumstances surrounding the allegation of misconduct in making a determination
    whether the original action or conduct which prompted the complaint was not only legal
    but whether, under the circumstances, it was necessary and proper as well. The
    commanding officer's decision must resolve those factors with the individual's interest
    and the probable effect of the disciplinary action upon the attainment of Department
    To be effective, discipline must not only be fair in its application, it must also follow
    within a reasonable time the act which it is intended to correct. Therefore, there must be a
    prompt resolution of disciplinary cases.
    650. CHAIN OF COMMAND. The Chief of Police must necessarily limit the number
    of persons who report to him/her. Therefore, to ensure unity of command, clearly defined
    lines of authority must be drawn so that there exists a structural relationship between each
    employee and the Chief of Police. Employees must be aware of their relative position in
    the organization, to whom they are immediately responsible, and those persons who are
    accountable to them. Employees should strive at all times to operate within the chain of
    command and to keep their supervisors informed as to their activities. The Chief of Police
    is available by appointment to any member of the Department.
    655. FLEXIBILITY OF ORGANIZATION. The ability of the Department to make
    organizational adjustments to meet changing needs is essential in obtaining the maximum
    benefit from the expenditure of assigned resources. However, to ensure stability, the basic
    Department structure should not be changed in the absence of a demonstrated need or to
    satisfy temporary requirements. There must be continuing staff inspections to ensure that
    Department organizational needs are being met. In addition, each commanding officer has
    the responsibility to maintain the organizational viability of his/her command through
    constant evaluation.
    660. INSPECTION AND CONTROL. Management inspection and control is necessary
    to ascertain if command policies, procedures, and rules are adequate and are being
    adhered to, whether Department resources are adequate and are being properly utilized,
    and to evaluate the overall performance and attitude of the Department. The Department
    has a formal staff inspection and control system which reports to the Office of the Chief
    of Police. Additionally, it is the responsibility of each commanding officer to continually
    conduct inspections within his/her command to ensure the proper performance of
    assigned personnel and the most efficient use of assigned equipment, material, and
    facilities. Merely finding fault is not inspecting. Therefore, a commanding officer's
    responsibility does not end with discovering a deficiency or inadequacy; it includes taking
    positive measures to correct the prob
    Messages : 71
    Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

    Volume 1 - Politique Empty Re: Volume 1 - Politique

    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:26
    665.40 LEAVES OF ABSENCE. With the exception of those leaves of absence which
    the Department is obligated by City regulations to approve, it is the policy of the
    Department that leaves of absence may be granted for compelling personal reasons. The
    review and final decision concerning each request for leave of absence will be based on
    the merit of the individual request, the effect of the employee's absence on the
    Department's operation, the availability of replacement personnel who can perform the
    required duties in a satisfactory manner, the need for retraining the employee upon return,
    and the employee's compelling personal reasons.
    Requests regarding leaves of absence for educational purposes shall be considered when
    full-time enrollment as a student increases the employee's value to the Department,
    increases the proficiency of duty performance, or enhances the employee's promotional
    Leaves for personal reasons may be approved when they will not substantially interfere
    with the concerned command's efficiency nor achievement of the Department goals

    Arrest/Crime Reports** Area Records Unit
    Attendance Fiscal Group
    Citations Information Technology Division
    Civil Litigation Legal Affairs Division
    Commendations-Major Personnel Division
    Commendations-Minor Employee's Command
    Discipline Internal Affairs Division
    In-Service Training Training Division
    Pursuits Emergency Operations Division
    Rank/Assignment Personnel Division
    Traffic Collision Special Operations Division
    Use of Force (All) Critical Incident Review Division
    Work Permit Personnel Division
    Messages : 71
    Date d'inscription : 27/08/2023

    Volume 1 - Politique Empty Re: Volume 1 - Politique

    Ven 1 Sep 2023 - 11:27
    670.10 RECRUIT TRAINING. The training provided to recruit officers is a
    continuation of the selection process whereby efforts are made to screen out those who
    are lacking in police aptitude. In all recruit training, emphasis is placed on developing the
    reasoning ability and judgment of each officer.
    670.20 ON - THE - JOB TRAINING. An officer's training continues after graduation
    through his assignment with training officers, roll call training, and supervision. It is the
    responsibility of all officers to teach those with whom they work the skills and knowledge
    necessary to perform the job at hand. Supervisory and commanding officers of all ranks
    have the responsibility not only to train subordinates to perform assigned tasks, but also
    to familiarize all subordinates with their supervisor's job as well, so that employees are
    prepared to assume additional responsibilities should the need arise.
    670.30 IN - SERVICE TRAINING. Refresher training is periodically provided to
    experienced officers to update their training and to evaluate the effectiveness of their prior
    recruit and in-service training.
    670.40 PROMOTIONAL TRAINING. Once the selection process has resulted in
    promotion, the Department provides training to prepare newly appointed supervisors and
    commanding officers for their added responsibilities. Dependent upon the level of
    supervision or management involved, an attempt is made to familiarize individuals with
    problems which they may face and to assist them in developing suitable responses to
    those problems.
    670.50 SPECIALIZED TRAINING. To prepare employees for new assignments, the
    Department provides specialized training in those areas where a need has developed. Such
    schools have as their goal the development of specialized skills and knowledge within the
    framework of a police generalist.
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